This healthy Salmon En Papillote recipe is so easy to make. The best part is that you can entirely customize it to include your favorite veggies and ingredients.
Preheat the oven to 375F. Season the salmon filets generously with salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Divide the pressed garlic evenly between the filets, spreading on top of each piece of salmon.
On half of each piece of rectangular parchment paper, start by layering 3 lemon slices followed by 5 asparagus spears. Place the seasoned salmon filet on top and top with 1/4 cup sliced olives, 1 tbsp capers, 1/4 of the sliced onions and a sprig of fresh oregano. Drizzle with olive oil. Close the parchment package by folding the top half over the prepared salmon and then roll the parchment paper edges towards the salmon, tighten and roll until the package is sealed. Place the parchment paper pouch on a large baking sheet and repeat with the remaining salmon until you have 4 parchment paper packages of salmon.
Bake for 15 minutes and then serve the packages by opening carefully and dividing the toppings (tomatoes and crumbled feta cheese) evenly between the salmont filets.